In addition to the articles below, Lucie has published her first popular science book called “15 Million Degrees: A journey to the centre of the Sun”.
Tim Peake – a man flying close to the sun, Waterstones blog post
Staring at the Sun, Guardian website
Lab Girl: A Story of Trees, Science and Love by Hope Jahren, book review for the Guardian
Why did Pluto get kicked out of the planet club?, BBC iWonder Guide
All about the solar eclipse, Royal Society blog post
Remembering Skylab, SEN website
Whatever happened to Pluto?, BBC Science
The 10 biggest myths about the Sun, Science Uncovered magazine
The solar max is here, SEN website
Into the unknown in 2014, the Wired World from Wired magazine
Get ready for solar maximum, Sky at Night magazine
In awe of the aurora, Sky at Night magazine (February edition)
More than Sunshine, SEN website
Solar Scientists review Hinode Findings, SEN website
The Prospero Satellite, Sky at Night magazine
Following in their footsteps (my science hero), The Times’ Eureka magazine
See Further into Eclipses, Metro newspaper in association with the Royal Society
A welcome dose of winter sun, The Times’ Eureka magazine
Intervew with David Willetts MP, Astronomy and Geophysics, volume 51, p.12-13.
Trailblazing. Commentaries of some the seminal papers published by the Royal Society tied in with their 350th anniversary.
Big Bang Blogs, resident expert answering questions about my job
Discovering Planets, Quick guide for the Triple Science GCSE’s
The Sun, Quick guide for the Triple Science GCSE’s
The solar atmosphere, Science in School magazine
Life as a solar astronomer, Catalyst magazine
Amazing Atmospheres, Sky at Night magazine
International Heliophyiscal Year, Catalyst magazine
International Heliophyiscal Year, Science Technology magazine
So you want to work in space, the Guardian
The Solar System takes centre stage, Frontiers magazine
Aurora Masterclass, Sky at Night magazine
The active Sun Masterclass, Sky at Night magazine